Adidam Public Retreats
"How can I be 'Perfectly Known' if the heart itself does not devotionally recognize Me?
"How can I be 'Perfectly Known' if the whole and total body-mind-complex does not devotionally respond to Me?
"Gold can be made elementally pure and brilliant to the eye only through submission to fire.
"Just so, the totality of the heart, and mind, and body of My true devotee is purified of ego-patterning and Liberated from bondage to all the modes of conditional 'self'-identity only by submission to intrinsically ego-transcending devotional Communion with Me."
— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The Aletheon
Northern California Sanctuary
Retreats are held for the public periodically throughout the year. Please visit the Retreat Schedule page for details.
Public retreats at the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary in Northern California, occur in a secluded and recently renovated center called the Man of Radical Understanding.
These retreats consist of meditation, study, recitation, and practical life classes about diet, exercise, and so forth. Some retreats may also include a guided tour of the Holy Sites on the larger Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary property.
In addition, many regional Adidam communities offer public retreats in or near major cities throughout the world.
Please visit our Events Pages to see the places where there are communities of devotees near you, and whether or not they have public retreats.
Seventh Gate
at the Mountain of Attention Sanctuary